Positive things happened today too though. For instance Tobie is back in town for Mimi's B-day. Nice to meet up with him again, even though it was only for a quick minute. It was also nice to hang out with Synne! Congrats on the job, don't forget my Jordans! And today is Mimi's 18th Birthday. Hurray for her. She is legal now, as a brother I'm not even sure if that is a good thing!? Anyways, hope your happy! Last but mos def not the least it was my mom and dads wedding anniversary. Don't bother to ask me how long they have been married. I do know its longer than I have been born. Hah! Congrats to you both.
Tomorrow we be doing it again. Hang in there!
This is how it went down (Be aware of explicit pictures, yes I warned you):

Little pigeon was minding his own buisness.

Tobie was doing the same.
And then...

The poor pigeon had to say goodbye. That was so nasty. I saw the whole thing. No one could have saved him, it was his turn. R.I.P.

Synne was in awe. Didn't know what to do. Ended up...

Saying farewell...

And Jonas couldn't believe the heartbreaking news. Ouff...
(Based on a true story, might be altered a little bit)

Finally found this again. Very nice!

Throwback. Congrats. Hah!