After a long day at school(duh), I met up with Albert, so we could meet up with Kele and Tobie. They were on that Mongolian BBQ buffet at Mr. Hongs. Mmmmm, to bad I didn't get it, to little time. You already know I wanna sit and just grub for hours if its a buffet. Hah! We just roamed the town like we've been doing ever since we were kids. Pretty chiil, but I was tired. However, I had fun, don't get me wrong.
Later on the others left, and I was left all alone. It was so cold, and I was waiting for my ride home. Ended up going to McDonald's just to keep myself warm. Also ended up with a cheeseburger. Hah! Swear, earlier that day I almost thought I was doomed. I ate a hamburger dinner (grease hamburger, hella fries and soda). It was hella good no doubt. But after I partook the feast I couldn't think straight. I was so disoriented. I was almost a zombie for like 2,5 hours. Hah! Yeah, yeah... I never learn.
My parents just gave me some good news, hopefully it follows through. PLEASE!!

Happy Albert.

Kele is hella full from the buffet. Man, wish I joined.

Long time since we've been all together. Aww. Hah!


Mr. Ortega aka CPH finest!? Heh.


Love them in them sizes. No fetish.

Mickey D's just to stay out of the cold. Not that I wouldn't go there anyways.

Cawwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllldddddddddd!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!