End of the slump

After a very good and effective day at school, I actually got to get out of there before 4 pm. Went down to meet ShoeBoy, we were supposed to go to a photoshoot, but it got postponed. All good though. We decided to take things in our own hands. Went to the new opera and took some pictures of our new friend(more on that later). After the great session, we took our separate ways. I ended up going to a meeting with "ACNE jeans" with the rest of the job, to learn about and see the new collection that is on its way. I must say, THUMBS up! Very nice. I never thought I would be so inlike with that type of clothing, but I proved myself wrong. I can't wait. Thanks to ACNE, "Ambition to Create Novel Expressions", for having us! (Can't hate on free drinks and food as well, hah!)

I also got some great news from my parents, more on that later as well. OH WE WE!!

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Stopped by Stress to say hello to my main man. No homo. Good to see you again man!

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Also met DJ Rookie of the Year. Cake always doing buisness.

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Go check out him and Roxy Cottontail on Friday! Ah yeah.

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ShoeBoy's new Wood Wood x Converse. Butterysoft suede. Mmmmm...

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X-Mas is coming. Time to buy presents. Oh my what to buy, better yet. What to wish for!? Hah.

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Randomness by the opera.

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More on that later. Ouff. Crazy!

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At the Acne headquarters, trying to act cool. FAIL!

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Freebies. Thanks!

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Fascinated by the new accessory line for women. Hah! SIKE!

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Sole Service girls. Aww...

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Thanks for having us mister on the left. And boss hog on the right on point.

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Ricky Ricardo, andale andale! La migra! (Ps. Somebody buy me that hat)

Good day. Haven't had these in a while. Thanks! Please stay like this...