Anyways. After work, we all went to Huntinglodge for milkandmoney's issue #4 release. The place was packed, people everywhere. Nearly anywhere to walk. However, it was fun. Nice mag, meeting new people and handed free drinks. Always nice. Heh. Good job milkandmoney people and HL. Got my milkandmoney goodie bag, lots of candy, and free entry to BLÅ. Nobody was at BLÅ so we just went to this party at some girls house. Funny, a lot of old school techno. First time in ages since I heard that "Tamagotchi" song. Hah! Didn't stay to long though, before we got ourselves to the "MTV YO! Raps" 20 year anniversary party. It was kinda boring in the beginning, but it got better as soon as the right tunes were played and such. Had work today at 10 am so I was trying to go home early last night, but that didn't happen. An hour long snowball fight at 3 am was on the schedule so there wasn't really to much sleep to find. It was cool though, its been awhile since I've been in a snowball fight. Good times. The fun part was getting people just passing by to join. Haha! Yeah, yeah. Just one of those Friday's. Nice. Tiring, but nice.


Good job guys! Keep it up! More pictures coming later...

"Holmenkollen" by von Osten and Illdes.

Free candy is never wrong. Although it does get sickening over time. Hah! Sorry!


Name (been a long time man. Good to see you!) and Dj Nuhh!

Sturla aka Ørjan and Ms. Shultz!

Gangsigns. Whut whut! Hah!

Angie being artsy.

Angie on point with the cam. Nicely executed!

WhiteMike and Angie.

Real Mike. Hah!

Happy people!


MarkyMark always on point. Nice MCM cap.

JR and Eily. HALOHALO!
Way tired today. Haven't really done anything today except for workin'. More on that later. Good weekend so far!