Woke up hella early to get myself to work. Only one with the keys so had to be on time (as usual). Got their earlier then expected, so I sat there trying to wake up. Got to work at 9.30 am, woke up 11ish. Hah! Nothing really to do today. Kinda slow Saturday. But it did have its highlights. Mr. "German sneaker collector" came by to hand me some Jordan's he didn't need anymore. Thank you sir! Pictures will be up soon. Hege from Acne was also at work to do some research. Thanks for all the candy(its been a lot of candy this weekend, good but not good at the same time. Heh)!! And when cousin Eily came in with the food cousin Emz made for me for lunch, I also had tears of joy. Thanks again! After work we got ourselves some dinner at Rice Bowl. Beautiful! Rest of the night was chillin' at Torshov. Everybody was there. Good times. Tired, but good times. Hmmm...

Forgot to tell them to drop the greens, but dah well. It was good anyways!
Yeah, yeah... not really anything else to say. Its actually been one of those days this week. Work/school-Rice Bowl-Torshov. I'm not complaining.
And Angie also showed me this years Xmas wishlist. Good taste, expensive taste, very expensive. Heh...

I'm gonna be broke...sike!
Just woke up after a goodnights rest. Got a game in a couple of hours. Let's get'em!