The day started with a little bit of tired people and a good ol' "eat-whatever-you-can-after-partying-the-night-before-breakfast".

Melted cheese sandwich with some OJ. Nice.

Tired gang.
Then we finally got ourselves going and went on a little crosscountry-ski trip. Nice! Swear I was so good. SIKE! I'll show you some pictures, but video clips will be able as well soon. Hah! Swear it was so cold. We were supposed to go all the way to the other side of the mountain, but with the weather being so cold and windy, and us being so tired it ended up with a little shorter trip. But it was so fun though. Good times. Can't wait till next time!? Hah!

No trip with out "kvikklunsj".


What a gang.


...tearin' up the slopes. SIKE!
After the trip it was straight to the "Afterski" party. So crazy. It was packed, it was like an ocean of people over there. Everybody with drinks in their hands and their snow-gear on. So sick. You couldn't move without getting bumped. I had so much fun though. With the ugliest glasses ever, I must say that I had a really good time. It was cool to just go crazy with all the people from school and the others that we got to know as the party went on. Heh...

Ps. More to come. Recap and pictures of what happened after this is coming up.