
Yeah, some did need some rest before the next party. Hah!

Wonderful food; Bacon, noodles, potatoes, spam, veggies, and a whole lot of spicy stuff. Go get some!

Some wanted to make their own dinner. Veggies, red wine and bread - in one. Delightful.
When that was done, we freshened up and got ourselves to the partyvenue. It was fun. A good way to end the weekend. Everybody was just dancing and having a great time.


Party hardy... Nice!
It was around 2 am and the place was closing up, but we weren’t done. The party moved on to one of the cabins. I kinda liked that afterparty more, because they had potatochips. Hah! This place was most definitely packed. It felt like everybody from the first place were there. Not that it was a bad thing though…heh.



Thats what you get for taking my chips. Muahahaha!
Around 4 am people started to hit the sack. However, we were once again not done. So we took the party to our place. Hah! After walking around in the blistering cold with snow all over the place in search of a taxi we finally got to our cabin.


Heck YEAH!

Finally in the taxi. HAHAHAHA!
This was fun. Hah! Pizza, hot dogs, people falling asleep(muahahaha), and some were just sooooooo tired that they didn’t really knew what they were doing. 7 am and we were K.O’ed. Mission complete! Weekend was ggggggrrreeeaaat! Worth the fatigue? Ah yeah. Hehehe….

Food for a king. Hmmm...

Hiding and trying to have all the hot dogs for himself. Nånånånånå!

Golden rule: Don't fall asleep first.


Tired? Hah!

Yes, tired...


Can’t wait till next time. Thanks guys!
Ps. Video clips up soon too!