Friday started real chill. Just work with school and eating. Hah! Later on I met up with some people, and ate some more. You already know. I was so tired and sleepy, but hung in there. Its always cool to hangout with those people. Wanted to hang a little bit more, but had to get home before heading to my cousins birthday. She was celebrating her quarter century day. Wish you the very best. Met up with a whole bunch of people that I hadn't seen in a good while, so that was pretty cool. And homemade strawberry cheesecake wasn't to bad either. NICE. Didn't stay to long, because I had to make sure that I got myself to my mayn TigaBeats videorelease with his group TimeOut. We got there in time, me and Arif, after me and Thomas had chilled a bit at my place beforehand. Good job Tiga, the video was tight. Happy for you guys. Keep doin' your thing!



My group. Good job guys.


Caught you mayn. No homo. Hah!

Gossip folks.

Designer ricebag. Hehe...


You can never hide.

Swear like its not Friday.

Paps & Moms.

Happy birthday!

Thanks for the pizza and dranks sir.

Men of the hour.

Dj Shia Lebouf. Hah!

Get yours.

Met Angelo and Gwen as well. Whats good!?
The rest of the night we hit up RĂ¥ for the Kingsize release party. Crazy night. More from that event later.