This was fun! Goodtimes.
It was fun...
Until it was time to go home. We went down the stairs to get home, then we suddenly heard people starting to brawl. I was like dang why does this have to happen, it was a good night for Rå. We wanted to stay out of it so we just left. However, the day after I woke up to a couple of text messages where people asking me if I was ok, and if I saw the shootingdrama. Turns out that after we left the brawl ended in a tragic. Some guy started to fire gunshots and people got hit and ish. All because of a jacket or some ish like that. Stupid and so unnecessary. Swear! I'm sorry to hear that people got injured, but happy that it wasn't any of my people. Hope the guy gets caught. Oueff. What has this city come to? Weaksauce...