Anyways it was so much fun. It was hella funny actually. Some not so much, but all in all very very laughable. Lol? Hehehe. Everybody did their thing, and you could truly see that they were having fun and enjoying the whole performance. The acting was natural and believable and a pleasure to watch. My kudos goes to the band. Swear to Bob that they were sick. Please play at my wedding? When they played You Can Call Me Al I was sold! Hehe. I liked the dancing as well. Good job guys.
And yeah. Good job Hedda. You made us proud. Didn't know you had it in you. Hehe. And Aftenposten, one of the biggest newspapers in Norway, was right when they said the play you wrote was the funniest. Much appreciated! Enjoy the rest of the week. And for people who haven't seen it, be sure to do if you have time. Good ish.
I don't have any other "revy's" to compare it with so it gets a six out of six from me. Hah. Mayn I wish I got to do something like that. Dang. It looked so much fun!
Yeah, yeah. Enough with the goodie good talk. Here are some pictures:

The place was packed.

And we were ready to capture it.

Fritt Fall! Excellent!

Every right to be proud miss!

Happy people.
Now go and watch it!