Home of the real gangstas. Ehhh!?!?
Woke up on the couch. A leather couch. With the sun making me glued on to the couch. Nasty. But kinda good? Euww. Anyways, woke up the parents house and had to rush out of there because I was late for my eye-appointment. Mom got my back though, made me breakfast to go. Sweet for sure!

Yup, we have a kebab place.
Got to the appointment late, not because I was late, but because the bus messed up or something. Anyways, I checked my sight, and ypu just like I thought its worse now. No wonder my glasses right now gives med headaches. My left eye is the worst. I'm blind. Hah! But, I already found my spectacles, and I can't wait to get'em. Very nice. Yap.

My new specs. SIKE.

French Hotdogs on the go. Nice.
After the checkup I got myself downtown to meet and chill with Mimi and the cousins. Coolio. Just enjoyed the weather and what not. Fun. Hope you get the job Mimi! You got this! The best part was us finding out that I need a pet. Oh yes. And its going to be a hamster or a guinea pig. What do you think? Or a killer fish? Clown fish? Suggestions? I NEED FRIENDS. Hmmm..




Get him, or:

Him, a dwarf hamster.
But not,

this guy with them red eyes. Creepy.

Maybe these too though...
The rest of the day was chillin' with some of the guys. We were supposed to be more people, but they punk'd out. Next time though! I had fun. Just chilled with food, wine, beer, desserts, candy, music, Champions League (hahaha... live stream that lagged all the time.. and everytime it was a goal it just stopped. Gaymo!). Good times guys.


K. Andros desperate attempt to open the wine. Hah!

Dinner is served. Magnifico!

Thanks for coming guys!

Only for Easter. These chocolate eggs with cream filling are killer.

Getting his Daft Punk on. YOU SUCK! (Me too though...)

We had to give up on the streaming. We missed the last minutes. Stupid stream! Watched live updates on the widescreen. Gaymo! There we even two goals in the end. Argh!
I poke her face remix - Kid Cudi ft. Air Yeezy and Common