Then I got myself going, and made my way downtown. Walked all the way because of my monthly transportation pass was past due and I didn't feel like risking getting caught on the tram. Besides, as mentioned, the sun was banging today! So it was all good! Got my pass, and decided to go to Sandvika Storsenter. Been a long time since I had been there, so I figured I would go. The train is anyways fun to take anyways. SIKE!
This mall is pretty cool. Probably the biggest in this part of Norway, if not in the whole country. They have loads of stuff there, they even have a McDonald's and a Burger King! Now that means its huge over here! HAH! Chilled there, most of the time at Stress to chop it up with the good people over there. Very nice. The mall is on the westside of town, which means preppy people with dinero. Makes me sick. Sike. Hmmm. And this place is also known to be packed with females. The girls were even walking around with mini-skirts. Crazy! Hehehe..

Capo aka The Boss.

So wanted to steal that mousepad.

Benjie with that furr.

Ellis with that wrongfullness. Hah!

Man they didn't have my size... hmmm.


On my way home I stopped by O.C to check up on Arif. The new beats you got sir will be epic mayn! Can't wait!

From a G to a Gent!

Happy camper.
The rest of the day I just chilled at the apartment, before I went to moms and pops place so I it wouldn't be so far away from my appointment tomorrow. I have to check my eye-sight. Swear its just getting worse. Not good. Wish me luck.

BBQ marinated meatballs with cheese and rice. Yum.

Home sweet home. Hah!