Anyways, it was nice. Got a whole lot of groceries and the best part was it being so cheap. Good lookin' out mother and father. Nice. Got chicken, meat, meatballs, all kinds of spice's and sauces etc. Very very nice. On the way home we also stopped by my godmothers place. Hadn't seen her for the longest time so that was really good. She also hooked it up with some bomb arse brunch. And you already know it was fish, because its Friday and what not.

Meat everywhere. Euww?

Dad got that gear on lock. MIKE hoodie for the win.

Me and them holy men!

I love these kinda mirrors.

Candy = Sweden.

I was in Sweden and Norway at the same time. JETSETTER!


Best of the best.

Fish Friday.

Gotta love a massage chair.
Then I went home and chilled before ballin' it up like any other Friday these days. It was a good run once again. I love that we have this option on Fridays. Oh yes! Only bad thing is that we are getting to many, and some people just call to many weak fouls and stops up the whole game. Swear. Hah!
The rest of the night went to galavanting downtown. Oueff. GRITS was off the hook on Friday. Everybody from all the major "Streetwear" stores in Oslo were present and just partied it up. Place was packed with a whole lot of good people. Very very nice. Here are a couple of photos, the rest will come soon.


MarkyMark's sick fixie. Don't worry Wai you'll get yours!

On the way home from the club we stopped by work to see if anyone was sleeping outside for the Air Yeezy shoes. And there were people alright! Two guys from Hønefoss. Good ish guys. More on the release soon! Stay tuned!