
Hard workers.
Later on I had enough of my hair so I went downtown and got a haircut, or a shaved cut. Lame joke. But I went back to my bald state. Feels good. Ready for Summer now! Oh yes. I also went and checked out Hunting Lodge and saw he new stuff over there. Good to see you again sir! Always cool to chop it up with you. I also stopped by work of course. Swear we got some heat over there now. Very very nice.

I look like a munk.

Nice. You already know I need me one of those! Tee and tote.

The two new members of Sole Service.

Kazuki mayn!

Air Yeezy! Whatchu know about them?
When I got home it was time to get my film on. My friend Simen and his classmates had a school project going on, where they are making a TV-show, and they wanted me and Eily to be in the pilot. It was cool. It was about Art, fashion and consuming etc. I loved the setting. Really chill conversation with a taco dinner. Very nice. Hopefully a TV channel likes it, and it will become my stepping stone for my own Reality Show. HAHA! Thanks to Simen and the crew for letting us be a part of it!

Thanks for the taco guys!

Can't wait till the final result.
The rest of the night me, Wai and Eily went to Supa Fresh @ Lipp to support Arif and his crew. They were having a mini-concert over there. Good job guys. You guys killed it! Thanks for the shoutout! What's up Soulshock!?

Eily and Wai.

Its been a long time sir!

Maybachboss! Google it!

Good show guys!
All of the pics!

Ride home. Hah!

Night snack. To bad I couldn't have any. It was past midnight, which ment Fish Friday. Darn it!