It was the Guan side of the fams last full day before they go on their own vacation back to the Motherland. Hence, the last day you already know we had to do go all out on our hangout. We started it off with a great lunch at this place Sam knew of. Its called Matiki, they offer bomb Hawaiin BBQ. Ever been there!? I bet after these pics, you will want to go there all day everyday. So bomb, and for a very nice price too. Thanks guys for the great company. Very very nice for reals. This is just a small part of the pictures we took that day, stay tuned for bowling and even more food.. haha. Enjoy!

Baked macaroni. Kuya Adam hooked it up big time! Much appreciated.

Awww.. I miss holding your hand.. emo status.

Ready for my meal.

Congrats on the new baby kuya Adam!

His ready too!

On that phone.. duh.


Family that eats together, stays together.


My barber.


He really loves the food here.. heheh.

BBQ beef and chicken.

This one is cute.

He a beast!
You wanna go there now huh?