Like I said we did do more stuff yesterday. After the great meal at Matiki we had a couple of pit stops that included Yogurtland, and then we hit up the bowling alleys. Hadn't played for a while, I actually think the last time I played was last Summer at the same place was as yesterday. I know I overuse phrases like "good times" and such, but I can't help it. Life is very good these days, like usual, but right now its vacation time and you know you can't hate on that! Anyways, we bowled for like two hours and it was loads of fun. I actually played descent I guess, even though it was Madell who killed everybody.. haha.. Baws! We also got to watch "The Decision" starring LeBron James.. ouefff.. South Beach is bringing the HEAT! Can't wait to see how it all plays out. Yup yup. After the bowling we went home to Lola and Lolo's place to eat dinner, play games, get my haircut, and just enjoy each others company! Have a nice trip Guan's! Be safe! Hope you guys like the chocolate... DUH!?

The Decision.

What's up with the mouth? Heheh..

Check Mimi out.. sick pic.. heh.

Still on that "awwwwwww..." (SIKE on the last one.. haha)

Again.. what's up with the mouth!? HAH!

Good times.

He saw me STRIKE it so many times in a row his jaw dropped..

Buff guy.

Bowling champ.

Odd-man out!?

Filipino food ftw.

Me and my barber.

Another one of these cousins.

Another one of the "awwww's".

And another one.. swear they make me miss her so much.. heh.


Games all night every night.

They love it. They really do.
BAWS huh!?