akam1k3 presents: "Friday's with Expose Express" #11

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"Herp derp! Crank it to 11! We're back or we've always been around, but it's FRIDAY! We must celebrate and we celebrate with a mixtape suited for bedroom-listening this time around. It's way different than what we usually pump out, but since it's the first week of December we'll take it easy. Do comment if this stuff is just too "different" for you. But as always, we're thankful for being featured here on Fridays and a big "pop-pop" to akam1k3 and his Christmas give-away bananorama-nanza! Can't win if you don't participate!" - ExposeExpress

As always much love in these good times,

ExposeExpress (Ida & Alfie)

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@ExposeExpress (Twitter)