Did some lunch with Rob and Morten and Reebok and Adidas. Just chilled, catched up, and plotted about things we maybe can do in the future. It'll be exciting to see what we end up with. Hadn't seen them for awhile so the meeting stretched out pretty long, I even ended up just borrowing a desk to work on my own stuff too. Very nice.

Butter suede. Them Matchcourts on the homie Rob, and my One Star Golf Wangs.
After spending several hours at their HQ I got myself to interfoto so I could deliver back some equipment that they let me borrow for the Karpe Diem concert the other day. Thanks for always having my back! Then I headed down to Skur 13 by Aker Brygge/Tjuvholmen to check out the new street ball hoop that they put up. It was nice! It even started raining a lot so it was perfect timing to play street ball just under a roof. I like. A lot of people showed up. Good job Lokk Shop for putting this together. Every Monday 6pm-8pm and then Sundays 3pm-5pm. Very nice.

No rain can stop us.

Come join us next time.

Gang. Hah.. Z playing in some Yeezy 350s V2.
You already know I had to teach everyone a lesson, just check the video real quick---> here, muahaha. Sabonis! And after the run we ended up catching some pho again at Vietnam House, before I met up with Karen real quick.

Thanks for dinner Bones, Ali, and Rob.

Hah. Spotted some of my work in a newspaper. Very nice. S/O Karve Jeans.
A nice start.
The following day I woke up even earlier then Monday to meet up with Jas at YME to help out taking some pictures of some new shoes that they received. Always chill to start of the day like that. When that was done we met up with Anton for some lunch, before me and Anton just roamed around in the sun.






Pizza Crudo.

With spices from the taco spot haha.

Everyones favourite Ted.

Later on I had to get back home to finish some work before meeting up with Egil to hoop again. Gotta hoop as much as possible before the sun is gone for the season.

Lets keep the weather like this for a bit longer please.
After basketball I met up with some good peoples to check out the Tom Wood show for Oslo Runway. More on that later.

Welcome back good sir. Randomly met Aon on my way to the Tom Wood thingy.

Stopped by the studio before the show, to pick up Ferrari. Always in the stu cooking. He was having another Hkeem and Eirik session. Be sure to check out the result of their last session - Urettferdig. Banger. A-team.

More pictures asap.
Ended the night with some quality time at Velo with ze guys before heading home to feast and get ready for the rest of the weeks shenanigans.




TNT and Even.


Be safe sir.


Mike s/o Fløyel.

Yes! Chicken and rice.