This week has gone to a whole lot of photos. I’ve been falling asleep as soon as I get home alsmot every night. But its all good though.I know for sure that the end product is going to be out of this world. Yesterday, Thursday, was one of the good ones. We ended the day pretty early so I got the chance to play some ball to let off some steam. It was a nice run. Hella dimes haha. After practice I went straight to Torgata Bar to check out the Persona Non Grata party. The homies was having a function, and of course releasing some new gear. The tee was dope, and the suede cap was sick. Be sure to check out their site
HERE to cop gear, and hope that theres stuff left at all.
A lot of good people came through to show support. Very very good. Always important to show support for your locals. Big up cAndy!


Get yours.


3m gang gang.

Persona Non Grata.


Happy birthday leks!


Haha Jas always drinking like its the last pint on earth. Hah.

If you know, you know.

Anders and Jååååå.

More 3m baby.

Norm like that.

Andy and Murk.

Thanks for having us.

I win.
Ok bye.