"a book which significance is beyond words. It all started from notes after restless nights for my dear mentor Babak Az, his idea was simple, to empower Third Culture Kids all around this country through bringing 42 unique stories and let them breathe on a piece of paper. I've witnessed tears flow when people have read these stories. And this is by far one the most powerful projects I've ever laid hands on, and I urge everyone I know to go and pick this one up. All profits goes to the Third Culture Kids Scholarship, starting in 2018." - Joel Nostrum aka Jesus Child
My homie Aon also contributed in the book, where he writes about how it is to be a Third Culture Kid in Norway. Great job my brother! I even have pictures in this book. Can't wait to read it!
"Third culture Kids are children of the new wave. Children of different cultures that have morphed into one. Children of the immigrants that left their homes to find a better one. Children of a new generation that sees beyond color, race and gender. Children of the raw and undefined. A wave that has barely been seen in books and more in lifestyle mags, music and fashion. That is why this is a important project in literature. I am so thankful that Trans94 wanted include me as the only Norwegian contributor in this powerful book." - Aon Raza Naqvi

Third Culture Kids.